candy-news — Candy News

Candy and Chocolate Sweeteners

Although everyone knows that candy and chocolate are made with sugar most people don’t realize there is a distinction between types of sugars, quality of sugars and definite pros and cons between using natural and artificial sweeteners. Americans are especially conscious about packing on the pounds and will often turn to artificial sweeteners in an.

Candy Scents Popular with Fashion Celebrities

Candy is hot and candy scents are even hotter. It seems that as long as it’s candy colored or candy scented it’s been on the top of the must have list this year. DKNY is just one of the fashion heavyweights who have jumped on board the candy express with Delicious Candy Apple fragrances.

The Story of the Candy Bomber

I can’t help but think about the candy bomber story of WWII when I think about bulk candy. I can only imagine the volume of bulk candy that pilot must have had on board his plane to get the response he did from the German children who lived through that war. Gail Halvorson, a WWII pilot.

Candy Cars

If only they were smaller, the candy car trend makes cars look so sugary delicious you want to lick them like rainbow whirly pops! Candy apple red used to be "˜the’  hot race car color but the latest mouth watering options offer every color in the rainbow. Do-it-yourself candy paint kits make the transition from.

Black Candy is Healthy and Fun

Black candy has long been a favorite especially at Halloween but what many people don’t know is that most black candies contain either anise or licorice. Both of these have healing properties, vitamins and minerals but don’t tell the kids this sweet treat is good for them. This Halloween give black candy with a clear.

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