
New to Baking? Meet the Majestic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cupcake

Now that Valentine’s Day is finally behind us and you’ve successfully weathered the storm of single-shaming and commercial romance, it’s time to focus on what really matters in life – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cupcakes. Before we begin, there are two things you need to know about Reese’s Cup Cupcakes. The first thing you need.


Caramel, the word evokes a sense of creamy sweetness. The deep brown tones and soft yellows of caramel actually make you feel as if you are peacefully swirling along on a languid liquid journey.

Great Jelly Bean Cookie Recipe

Use the base and frosting of this cookie recipe to create really delicious jelly bean cookies. Think about what you want the finished cookie to look like before you begin. Cut the cookies into shapes before baking to create the design you want and when the cookies are done and frosted, the jelly bean color and placement options are limited only by your imagination (although we do have a few suggestions:).

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