Jelly Belly’s Top 20 Flavors, A Highly Technical Review

Who knows more about the taste of jelly beans than kids, right? Why listen to some adult who is probably trying to sell you something, when you can get your data directly from the source. These two girls break it down like the pros they are.

The girl on the right got a box of assorted Jelly Belly jelly beans for her birthday and is putting them to good use here by sharing her candy ratings and reviews with the world (and her friend).

Starting with very Cherry (they loved it) and going all the way down to black licorice (disgusting!), these girls go one by one through the top 20 flavors of Jelly Belly's and tell you what you should think about each one. Their brutal honesty can only be truly appreciated by watching the full video.

And once you do, you'll know that these girls pull no punches and give it to you as straight up as possible. When they love it, they are professional and approving, and when it is not their cup of tea, they frown and fake puke and look personally offended by the taste of the candy in their mouth.

A brief excerpt from their review of the Toast Marshmallow flavor jelly bellys illustrates the genius of their descriptions:

"it kinda looks like poop, like, mixed with pee"_x009d_

You can't buy that kind of honesty.

Check out their video on YouTube, and get all your favorite Jelly Belly flavors from

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