About Us
We used to be ACandyStore.com, but we dropped the A! ...

Co-OwnerDark Chocoholic
Childhood Dream: To Fly Like Superman
Tom keeps an eye out for new ways to spread the joy of bulk candy online. Meanwhile, he takes down a whole bar of 86% Cacao Ghirardelli Chocolate a day.

Co-OwnerSkittles Addict
Childhood Dream: NFL Quarterback
Ryan is our resident money-man and spends his day keeping the rest of the candy crew in check. He has been known to polish off jelly beans by the gallon.

Customer Service ExtraordinaireGum Bubble Record Holder
Childhood Dream: Outer Space Explorer
Ginger cracks the whip around here to make sure we're always focused on keeping the customers happy. Personable and professional as can be, she also blows bubbles that put us all to shame.

Social Media ButterflyReese's Pieces Fanatic
Childhood Dream: Ride a Unicorn
Melany is on top of the fast-moving social media craze and keeps our customers up to date on candy trends and coupons. Savvy and smooth, she is a sucker for a Reese's treat every time.

Customer & Media HomegirlSalt Water Taffy Girl
Childhood Dream: NYT Journalist
Nicole is in constant contact with our customers and handles the lovely press people too. Friendly but firm, Nicole loves the Gourmet Salter Water Taffy in Grape.

Bulk Candy QA & PurchasingForeign Candy Fiend
Childhood Dream: To be a Ballerina
Victoria monitors the bulk candy and make sure everything that comes in and goes out is fresh as can be. She has a sadistic addiction to sour bulk candy that is frankly kind of scary. :)

Inventory and Warehouse Willy WonkaChocolate Covered Pretzel-Head
Childhood Dream: Futbol Superstar
Jose keeps the flow of bulk candy steady and the morale in the office sky high. Goofy yet diligent, he has been known to take full advantage of his employee discount.

Warehouse WardenLicorice Junkie
Childhood Dream: Lion Tamer
Carlos keeps the warehouse humming. Heavy lifter and all-around handy bulk candy man, his management skills are tops too. You wouldn't believe how much red licorice a person can fit in their mouth!
More of our team to come soon...
Our humble beginnings..

Hello! Welcome to our online candy store, CandyStore.com. On this page you can learn about our dedicated team of candy fanatics. Yes, that is a pickup truck in a garage. Yes, that's where we started many years ago.
After meeting in college, Ryan and I decided to share our mutual love of candy with the world. What better way to do that than start a far-reaching bulk candy website that was fun and easy to navigate?
We hope you are finding everything alright. If you have any questions please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page, or feel free to contact us.
Enjoy Your Candy!