Candy Brands - Buy Bulk Candy from These 70+ Brands
5-Hour Energy 8 items
Quick boost from 5-Hour Energy. -
Adams & Brooks 51 items
Iconic Adams & Brooks treats. -
AirHeads 44 items
Chewy and fruity AirHeads candy. -
Albanese 97 items
Premium Albanese gummy candies. -
Albert's Candy 5 items
Fun and flavorful Albert's candies. -
Allan Candy 7 items
Classic Allan candy favorites. -
American Licorice 35 items
Delicious American Licorice sweets. -
Annabelle's Candy 18 items
Nostalgic Annabelle's candy treats. -
Asher's Candy 141 items
Decadent Asher's chocolate treats. -
Atkinson's Candy 29 items
Quality Atkinson's candy delights. -
Au'some Candies 2 items
Unique and playful Au'some candies. -
BEE Int'l Candy 22 items
Whimsical BEE Int'l candies. -
Bissinger's 15 items
Birnn 56 items
Blow Pops 28 items
Lollipops with a gum center. -
Bogdon's Stick Candy 2 items
Elegant Bogdon's stick candies. -
Bonomo Turkish Taffy 6 items
Classic Bonomo Turkish taffy. -
Brach's Candy 7 items
Beloved Brach's candy classics. -
Brown & Haley 16 items
Crunchy Brown & Haley Almond Roca. -
C. Howard's Candy 5 items
Unique C. Howard's classic candies. -
Cadbury 7 items
Rich and creamy Cadbury chocolate. -
CandyRific Candy 19 items
Fun and innovative CandyRific treats. -
CandyTech Candy 10 items
Creative confections from CandyTech. -
Cap Candy 1 items
Playful and fun Cap candies. -
Ce De Candy Candy 8 items
Nostalgic Ce De Candy classics. -
Charms Candy 41 items
Beloved Charms candy selections. -
Chupa Chups 12 items
Chuao 46 items
Claey's Candy 33 items
Clif Bars 41 items
Concord Confections 34 items
Tasty treats from Concord Confections. -
Cry Baby 12 items
Intensely sour Cry Baby candy. -
Divine Chocolate 29 items
Dorval Candy 43 items
Bold flavors from Dorval Candy. -
Doscher's Candy 15 items
Classic Doscher's hand-crafted candies. -
Dryden & Palmer 50 items
Traditional Dryden & Palmer rock candy. -
Dubble Bubble Gum 19 items
Iconic Dubble Bubble gum treats. -
Dum Dum Pops & Spangler 27 items
e.Frutti Candy 24 items
Fun and fruity e.Frutti candies. -
Espeez Candy 30 items
Unique and fun Espeez candies. -
Farley's & Sathers 15 items
Favorite sweets from Farley's & Sathers. -
Ferrara Pan Candy 30 items
Traditional favorites from Ferrara Pan. -
Fizzies Candy 4 items
Fizzy and fun Fizzies beverages. -
Flipsticks Candy 5 items
Delicious and fun Flipsticks candy. -
Fralinger's Candy 2 items
Classic Fralinger's saltwater taffy. -
Gerrit J. Verburg 63 items
Traditional sweets by Gerrit J. Verburg. -
Ghirardelli 140 items
Giambri's Quality Sweets 17 items
Delicious Giambri's quality sweets. -
Gilliam Candy 48 items
Old-fashioned Gilliam stick candies. -
Gimbal's Gourmet Candy 33 items
Gourmet treats from Gimbal's. -
Godiva Chocolates 124 items
Goetze's Candy 14 items
Chewy and delicious Goetze's treats. -
GoLightly Candy 44 items
Sugar-free delights from GoLightly. -
Guittard Candy 30 items
Premium chocolates from Guittard. -
Haribo 77 items
Beloved Haribo gummy candies. -
Hersheys 73 items
Classic and popular Hershey's. -
Hotlix Candy 18 items
Unique insect candy from Hotlix. -
Jelly Belly 368 items
Flavorful and fun Jelly Belly. -
Jolly Rancher 38 items
Juicy and flavorful Jolly Rancher. -
Joyva Halvah Candy 18 items
Classic Joyva halvah candy. -
Judson-Atkinson Candy 10 items
Classic Judson-Atkinson candies. -
JustBorn Candy 41 items
Beloved candies from JustBorn. -
Kandy Kastle Candy 3 items
Fun treats from Kandy Kastle. -
Kenny's Super Twists 32 items
Twisted treats by Kenny's Super Twists. -
Kidsmania 45 items
Playful candies from Kidsmania. -
Kimmie Candy 43 items
Colorful and fun Kimmie Candy. -
Kits Taffy 5 items
Nostalgic Kits taffy treats. -
Kookaburra Liquorice 3 items
Authentic Kookaburra liquorice. -
Koppers Candy 62 items
Gourmet chocolates from Koppers. -
Laffy Taffy 25 items
Stretchy and fun Laffy Taffy. -
Lindt Candy 104 items
Lucas Zone 2 items
Spicy treats from Lucas Zone. -
M&M's 118 items
Classic and colorful M&M's. -
Madelaine Candy 144 items
Elegant chocolates by Madelaine. -
Marich Candy 106 items
Gourmet sweets from Marich. -
Mars Candy 61 items
Classic and iconic Mars candy. -
Milka Chocolate 26 items
Nature's Bakery 24 items
Wholesome snacks from Nature's Bakery. -
Necco Candy 34 items
Timeless Necco wafers and candies. -
Nestle Candy 84 items
Popular candies from Nestle. -
Oak Leaf Candy 38 items
Variety of treats from Oak Leaf. -
Pearsons Candy 9 items
Classic confections by Pearsons. -
Peelerz 5 items
Fun and chewy Peelerz candy. -
Perugina Candy 29 items
Italian chocolates by Perugina. -
PEZ Candy 134 items
Iconic PEZ dispensers and candy. -
Pop Rocks 22 items
Popping and fun Pop Rocks. -
Primrose Candy Company 23 items
Traditional treats by Primrose Candy. -
Reese's Candy 61 items
Ritter Sport 39 items
Sconza Candy 36 items
Delicious confections from Sconza. -
Sixlets 41 items
Colorful and fun Sixlets candy. -
Skittles Candy 39 items
Fruity and chewy Skittles candy. -
Smarties 24 items
Classic and sweet Smarties. -
Snickers 29 items
Sour Patch Kids 45 items
Tangy and chewy Sour Patch Kids. -
Sour Power 54 items
Tangy and intense Sour Power treats. -
Sour Punch 27 items
Starburst 39 items
Sweet and chewy Starburst candy. -
Sunkist Fruit Gems 4 items
Swedish Fish 20 items
Chewy and fruity Swedish Fish. -
Sweetarts 28 items
Tangy and sweet Sweetarts. -
Sweets Taffy & Candy 81 items
Chewy and sweet taffy from Sweets. -
Sweetworks Candy 24 items
Creative treats by Sweetworks. -
Taffy Town 98 items
Soft and chewy Taffy Town treats. -
Teenee Beanee 15 items
Flavorful Teenee Beanee jelly beans. -
Theo Chocolates 12 items
Thompson Candy 32 items
Quality confections from Thompson. -
Tic Tacs 11 items
Toblerone 10 items
Tootsie Candy 40 items
Classic favorites from Tootsie. -
Topps Candy 18 items
Iconic sweets by Topps Candy. -
Toxic Waste 23 items
Extremely sour Toxic Waste candy. -
Trolli 43 items
Tangy and chewy Trolli treats. -
Twix 17 items
Vidal Candy 39 items
Tasty confections from Vidal. -
Walkers 25 items
Warheads 40 items
Extremely sour Warheads candy. -
Wiley Wallaby 16 items
Wonka Candy 26 items
Whimsical candies from Wonka. -
World Confections 4 items
Global treats by World Confections. -
Wrigley Candy 88 items
Chewing gum by Wrigley. -
YumEarth 20 items
Yum Junkie 119 items
Fun and unique Yum Junkie treats.
Candy by Brand Names
No one likes a popularity contest, but sometimes you can't help but having a favorite! That's why on, we've divided our candy into types of candy brands so you can find treats by your favorite candy companies faster and easier.
If you're a loyal eater of Hershey's, Skittles, Mars, Jelly Belly, Jolly Rancher, or practically any other famous candy maker, you'll find them all here along with delicious and big bulk sized candy options.
If you're getting ready to throw a party, want to stock your pantry full of delicious treats you and your family love, or have gift baskets you'd like to make for friends and family, you'll be able to do that all and more here with our candy brands category.
More Ways to Find Candy
Shop by brand here to find the goodies you need at the candy shop you love. Sometimes it's easier to search for what you want by looking under the manufacturer, so check out the companies whose products we sell below. Wonka and Haribo are very popular as is Jelly Belly and the classic candy company, Mars. All the manufacturers we work with are great makers of amazing sweets that we are proud to do business with. Candy by brand name is here to make life easier!