recipes — Recipes

9 Creative Ideas for the Best Brownies Ever

Ready to make some brownies? Of course you are. Who doesn’t love a soft, gooey, chocolatey treat? For many of us brownies have been an extra special dessert since childhood, despite their simplicity. Perhaps the brownie desire has faded as we move into adulthood, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When brownies got.

11 Candy-Filled Cookie Recipes That Satisfy All Your Cravings

Much as we love candy and other sweet treats, we also recognize that dessert should be enjoyed sparingly. Yet this creates an internal dilemma. If we only have dessert, say, once a week, how do we choose among our many candy favorites? Worse: what happens when a cookie craving strikes? Don’t pretend like you don’t.

Healthy Shouldn’t Taste This Good: 11 Natural Candy Recipes You Can Make Today

Ever think about going on a diet? Or, going a step further, have you considered changing the way you eat altogether? It’s not an easy feat to accomplish. Our eating habits are exactly that: habits. And habits are hard to change. Plus, there’s this problem: living a healthier style means all but giving up the.

7 Candy And Ice Cream Pairings That Would Make Ben and Jerry Jealous

We’ve all done it. You’re at the grocery store and want a frozen treat for the evening, so you head right to the Ben and Jerry’s section of the freezer. But you find yourself paralyzed. There are so many choices, and so many treats mixed into each batch that you could spend hours agonizing over.

These 16 Candy Brownie Recipes Will Change The Way You Make Brownies Forever

We have something new to add to your list of favorite pairings: candy and brownies. We’re not referring to those packaged brownies with candy sprinkles on top (ahem, Cosmic Brownies). We’re talking rich, homemade brownies packed with your favorite type of candy bar. We’re constantly discovering new ways of eating candy thanks to Pinterest (have.

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