recipes — Recipes

Escape the Summer Heat With These 13 No-Bake Desserts (Featuring Candy!)

If there are two things in this world we love, it’s summertime and baking delicious desserts. Unfortuantely, the two do not go well together. Just turning on that oven can make the kitchen unbearably hot. That means turning up the AC, big time, which means a big time spike in your energy bill. And who.

Canada Day Maple Bacon Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Buttercream ~ O Canada!

Grab your tuques and your warmest flannel, kids, because Canada Day is just around the corner! On July 1st, our neighbors to the north will celebrate the anniversary of the creation of modern-day Canada by throwing parties, marching in parades and launching fireworks. It’s pretty much the same thing we do on 4th of July,.

Bumblebees, Beaches and Watermelons: The Most Amazing Summer Cupcakes You’ll Make All Season

With all due respect, swimsuit season is for suckers. Sure, eating only celery and Greek yogurt for six weeks might make you a bit more attractive for the six hours you’ll actually spend in a bathing suit this summer – but is all that sacrifice really going to make you happy? The short answer is.

Bailey’s BonBon Guinness Cupcakes: A New Twist on The Classic Guinness Cupcakes Recipe

  There’s nothing better on St. Patrick’s Day than a clover pin and a fun holiday-themed tee shirt. Unless, of course, you’re over the legal drinking age – in which case there’s nothing better than a Guinness and some Bailey’s Irish Creme. And if you happen to be obsessed with desserts like we are, then.

New to Baking? Meet the Majestic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cupcake

Now that Valentine’s Day is finally behind us and you’ve successfully weathered the storm of single-shaming and commercial romance, it’s time to focus on what really matters in life – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cupcakes. Before we begin, there are two things you need to know about Reese’s Cup Cupcakes. The first thing you need.

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