Valentines Day Candy

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, chocolate fondue for two anyone? A special trend for a unique and romantic date is chocolate fondue by a roaring fire. Fruit can be used for dippers but my personal favorite is marshmallows. The chocolate remains smooth and creamy over the fondue flame and is good for hours of candle/fire lit romantic banter.

The recipe:

7 ounces chopped bittersweet or semisweet chocolate

2 tablespoons lukewarm water

4 tablespoons heavy cream

2 tablespoons cherry or orange liqueur

1 tablespoon sifted, unsweetened cocoa powder

¼ teaspoon cinnamon


Whole fresh strawberries

Thick slices of banana


In the bowl of the fondue pot combine the chocolate and water. Stir over warm water until the chocolate melts and is smooth. Add the cream, liqueur, cocoa powder and cinnamon. Stir until the mixture is smooth. Place the fondue pot over the fondue flame and arrange the fondue forks, fruit and/or marshmallows on a serving tray. Using the fondue forks spear a fruit or marshmallow, dip it into the chocolate sauce and enjoy!

Of course if you haven't got time for this kind of Valentines Day effort, or if the relationship isn't that intimate –yet, chocolate and candy are tried and true courting success. Excellent Valentines Day chocolate/candy choices include: pink or red milk chocolate hearts, valentine gummi sanded hearts, Peeps vanilla or strawberry cream hearts and of course chocolate roses. Or, what about conversation hearts candy? These are still my personal favorite because they recall the most innocent days of childhood when love was pure and uncomplicated. Those little hearts shared by friends with the words I Love You, Be my Valentine, I'm Yours, I Hope, and a raft of other gorgeous little sayings that mean so much.

Say I love you with chocolate or candy and you are sure to get it right this year. Whether you choose a very adult romantic chocolate fondue for two, or the more playful conversation hearts which are certain to make your true love smile, you won't go wrong with candy on Valentine's Day.

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