candy-news — Candy News

Candy Rituals

Confectionary and ritual have been partners for a very long time. Although the most immediate candy rituals that come to mind are probably part of religious (Christian or Pagan) rites like Christmas, Easter and Halloween, there are numerous ceremonies and rituals involving candy.

Confectionary, Chocolate and Candy Expos

For those whom the love of candy extends from a personal passion to a professional enterprise it is expo season. Over the next few months candy makers, lovers and retailers will host expos all over America. The public and pundits alike will learn about candy and chocolate, discover brands and types they had never heard of and listen to keynote speakers address the latest trends and prospects in the world of candy and chocolate.

Music and Candy

The count-down to Valentine's Day is truly on and for those who want to make a huge impression, it's pressure time. If you have musical talent though, you are in luck and the battle is half won. Nothing will melt a woman's heart (or a man's) like a box of chocolates or flowers and a serenade.

Cyclone Yasi Wipes out 10% of World Sugar Supply

While the people of Australia fared well their crops did not and the banana and sugar crops of Australia were particularly hard hit. For candy makers and retailers that means that 10% of the world's sugar supply is gone. Almost one third of Australia's sugarcane is grown in the region between Cairns and Townsville, where Yasi came ashore.

Horse & Pony Candy

Horses are perhaps the animals closest to human beings in terms of relationships because they provide us with services, loyalty and friendship more than any other animal apart from possibly dogs and cats. Ask any horse owner and they'll tell you their horse or pony is a friend. Also like humans, horses and ponies love candy; all kinds of candy.

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