candy-news — Candy News

Island Candy

The best candy for a steamy hot day and therefore a favorite of the islands is not surprisingly candy that offers a sense of cool refreshment like coke bottles or Haribo peach and gummi raspberries candy.

Glucose – We need it!

Glucose, the sugar used to make candy, is an essential nutrient for the human body. It isn't just necessary for energy levels either, glucose is critical for maintaining healthy body function, it is as important as other nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Sugar Rush

Despite evidence to the contrary many parents still believe that sugar causes hyperactivity in their kids so they won't give them candy. While this has been proved an old wives tale, many parents will nonetheless swear to the fact that their kids go bonkers on sugar.

Hard Times Sweetened by Candy

As the global recession seems to drag on and on candy consumption, which peaked in the U.S. at the height of the recession, continues unabated. It seems that stress and difficult times are inducement for candy consuming comfort.

Sweet as Candy: Short Film

This New Zealand musical, short film has been hiding away for far too long, since 2003 to be precise. It's a confectionary tale of rock n roll, marching girls and roller skates created by director, Kezia Barnett.

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